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Tor, I2P, and Tails: A Deep Dive into Privacy Tools

Tor Onion

In our continuous journey towards secure and private cryptocurrency transactions, we often reference essential tools that enable anonymity on the internet. In this blog post, we will explore the strengths and weaknesses of Tor, I2P, and Tails. Understanding these tools is crucial for our users at CryptoCleaner, where privacy is always a priority.

Tor (The Onion Router)

Tor is an open-source software for enabling anonymous communication on the internet. It prevents people from learning your location or browsing habits by directing internet traffic through a free, worldwide, volunteer network of over seven thousand relays.


  • User-friendly: Tor is relatively easy to use, especially with the Tor Browser, which is a modified version of Firefox.
  • Wide acceptance: Tor is recognized and used worldwide, ensuring its continued development and maintenance.
  • Good for circumventing censorship: It allows users to bypass internet censorship and access blocked websites.


  • Slow speeds: Because traffic is routed through several relays worldwide, browsing speeds on Tor are usually slower than on a regular connection.
  • Potential for malicious exit nodes: The last relay, or exit node, can be run by anyone, and if it's malicious, it can spy on your activity if the sites you access aren't using HTTPS.

I2P (Invisible Internet Project)

I2P is another anonymous network layer that allows for censorship-resistant, peer-to-peer communication. It's a network within the internet, a darknet of sorts, with traffic staying within its borders.


  • Peer-to-peer focus: I2P is designed for peer-to-peer services, making it excellent for file sharing and decentralized networks.
  • Ephemeral keys: Temporary keys help improve forward secrecy.


  • Complex setup: I2P requires more configuration to work than Tor, and isn't as user-friendly.
  • Limited resources: It doesn't have as much financial support or as large a userbase as Tor.

Tails (The Amnesic Incognito Live System)

Tails is a security-focused, Debian-based Linux distribution aimed at preserving privacy and anonymity. It's designed to be used on untrusted systems and leaves no trace unless explicitly told otherwise.


  • Leave no trace: Tails is designed to be used on any computer without leaving any trace of your activities.
  • Pre-configured with security in mind: It comes with several privacy and encryption tools pre-installed and ready to use, like Tor and I2P.


  • Not ideal for regular use: Tails isn't meant to be a daily driver. It doesn't save any of your settings or preferences, so it's not as convenient for regular browsing.


Tails includes a Bitcoin wallet named Electrum. This is a well-known and widely used Bitcoin wallet in the cryptocurrency community, primarily known for its robust security measures and user-friendly interface.

However, while it's beneficial to have a Bitcoin wallet included in Tails, it's essential to remember that Tails is an amnesic system. This means Tails doesn't remember anything that occurs from one session to the next, unless explicitly told to do so. This feature is a crucial part of its security design.

As such, any Bitcoin wallet data, including private keys used in a Tails session, won't be saved between sessions unless you manually configure persistent storage. This aspect of Tails can be both a pro and a con, depending on your use case.


At CryptoCleaner, we strongly advocate for the maximum security of your cryptocurrency wallet. Despite the slight inconvenience of transcribing 25 words every time you need access, we firmly believe in the superior safety of paper wallets. Think of our service as a conduit to your personal, highly secure safebox.

Consequently, we advise using Tails to maintain your Bitcoins outside the reach of any vulnerable system. Regularly deposit your savings into this secure environment using our anonymity tool, accessed through privacy networks such as Tor or I2P, to ensure your digital assets are safe and your anonymity is preserved.

It's crucial to remember that the paper containing your seed phrase is invaluable. This list of words is your key to your digital fortune and as such, deserves utmost protection. We recommend creating a backup of this document to safeguard your investment against accidental loss or damage.

By understanding these tools, you can make informed decisions to protect your privacy and security online.

Stay anonymous, stay secure!

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